Friday, May 23, 2014

Le Printemps Glisse Vers L'Eté

I've finally made it to you! Yes, on the tail-end of Spring as it glides into Summer - but perhaps because we at LCF Maison were too engrossed in our electric neoimpressionist or pop-revival florals and exuberant palettes after suffering through what seemed like an interminable winter- at least in Manhattan.

A month ago, during Earth Week,  I spoke at Webster and Company's Antiques and Accessories showroom (my favorite)  in Southwest Florida's  Miromar Design Center  on upcycling textiles in  innovative ways. After  researching the topic, I concluded, as I usually do, that:

a) the French have extraordinary style 
b) that Denim is a marvelous material
c) that Pillows are highly important in the grand scheme of life

Synthesizing all of these conclusions perfectly is the fabulous French denim pillow sofa that I discovered, below

Can LCF Maison create one? Certainly - I'm in the process of gathering vintage MacKeen jeans for it now. Nudge to all original disco people. 

While in Florida, I also had the pleasure of meeting American artist Hope Frazier, who handcrafts functional glass-like vessels using vintage fabric by means of a sustainable soy-based formula.

We anticipate an LCF Maison/ Hope Frazier home accessories collab for  Holiday 2014 - details of which shall be revealed as we figure them out.

Also in the works - an LCF Maison collaboration with distinguished French textile designer Jean Paul Beaubiat, for Al-Karram Bed Linens 

Jean-Paul with his Spirit of America collection for Al-Karram - taking the Wild West motif and the Pioneer aesthetic to Chic-ville with the master's eye for sophisticated detail 

and  vintage textile puzzle/Art Series accent pillows  for a well loved NYC luxury retailer inspired by the Wunderkammer concept.

Until "jour de gloire" time - which would be Bastille Day on July 14th - when I shall post again - we wish you much frolicking under blue skies and of course, upon the fabric of history -
 LCF Maison style.